How Music Helps Calms the Mind


        Do you know that feeling, when you listen to music when you're boyfriend/girlfriend left you? Or maybe when it's 2 am in the morning with no one around you were at your bed reading or studying alone, Or going home with your headphones while looking at the sceneries. 

A little introduction about me. My name is David Isaac and I'm currently college and, aspiring (hopefully) to be a successful engineer. But I'm also a player... not that kind of player, a guitar player - well I also play chess but I'm more inclined to play guitar or listen to music.

We can't deny that since we were born, we have encountered music - even if there are different ways we came across or experienced it. We appreciate it maybe since we were kids listening to the lullaby of our mother, when we are lonely, when we study or just because we like it coz... simply we like it.

I myself like music firsthand since I was a kid or rather a baby - my mother told me once, that I like to copy or imitate the song (by humming) when my aunt, grandmother or anyone sings. Though it stopped at some point (my liking to music) when I was in elementary days, I then again found out how beautiful and amazing a music is with my friends in high school. It gives me a tranquil feeling when I can't think clearly, like about exams, reporting or even when thinking how to explain why my grade is low. Sometimes it also helps me focus on my study but not the type where I study while listening - because I can't do that (if you can, well... good for you then, just kidding) - my technique is pausing for a sec, listen to my favorite song while thinking what to write then stop when I think the idea in my mind is enough.


    Music is a universal language, maybe we heard this phrase or something similar before, and I agree. It helps connect many people without even knowing their language, norms or culture. Liking K-pop or J-pop music even without knowing the meaning of the song (that's me so to speak) or appreciating new song even though we don't like its genre.

Instruments, songs, foreign or even tribal songs, for me it doesn't matter. As long as you like it, or it inspires or motivate you then, like choices in life, it's up to you what kind of music you want to hear - or feel, not to anyone who wants to impose their likes or ideals to you. 

So what are you waiting for? Let's go start playing/ listening to music! Good day... 

Thank you for reading. 


  1. Music is a universal language. Minsan nga kahit hinde mo maintindihan yung lyrics nakaka vibe ka pa rin dba?! hehe


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